What Prison Sentence Does Trump Deserve?

As reported in today’s Washington Post, the DOJ recommends that the miscreant who used a hammer to attack Paul Pelosi, at the time of the assault the 82-year old husband to Nancy, member of Congress, should receive a 40 year prison sentence.

Hitting an older man with a hammer is indeed a heinous, violent act.

The 45th president violently stopped the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in some 240 years. He marshalled an insurrection that saw many hundreds if not thousands attack the Capitol, climbing walls, wreaking havoc and damaging an important if not sacred symbol of democracy. Many brave law enforcement officers were killed or injured. To cover it up — and with help from his loyal, misguided enablers — he committed multiple acts of the obstruction of justice, as well as set in motion a nefarious back-up plan of fake electors. Without the slightest shred of remorse.

He still hasn’t been punished for his malicious lies –to American voters — that the 2020 election would be and was infected by massive fraud. Which has been determined by the enormous efforts of truth-seekers and those guided by the Constitution to have been almost entirely free from dishonest taint. The cancerous, malicious blight of election fraud was caused by Trump, who refused to relinquish power after he lost.

How many years in prison should be demanded for Donald Trump?

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