I Really Hate Bad News

October 9, 2023
bad news words on newspaper over white background

Open a newspaper and what do you see? Crap. All sorts of crap.

Israel and Hamas at war. Russia and Ukraine at war. European countries recently solidly democratic, disturbingly slipping further to the right. China raising the likelihood of war in the South China Sea. Tensions everywhere from wounds suffered during Covid-19, weakened economies impeding healing, on top of massive migrations of people looking for better and safer, overwhelming nations’ ability to absorb. Countries increasing in their belief that the closer they are in emulating dictatorships, the better, the darkness of autocracy that won’t go away.

The US Government is riddled with serious problems: a military held back by one Republican from necessary promotions of command officers, harming our defense readiness; a judicial branch under attack from the horned termites of slipping ethics standards, courts that are overworked and spread thin; a legislative branch of at least five or six houses much divided, finding it harder to stand.

The White House was over-stretched from the beginning, the chief goal to right the ship after the mutiny of the Trump Misadministration. There was enormous work needed to repair the considerable damage done to our government and our relations with other governments. So much more became piled onto Joe Biden’s plate as disaster followed disaster: polical, economic, a rapidly warming planet exacerbating natural disasters such as forest fires, hurricanes, floods & droughts, volcanic activities & earthquakes — ad nauseum. Everything was going to hell.

In many ways like the Blue vs Grey of 160 years ago, our country is split again, this time into Blue States vs Red States. (The Red States generate most of those responsible for the unconscionable recent political violence. Who was it behind Jan 6th and who invaded the Capitol? Masterminded kidnapping plots? Hit the elderly husband of a senator with a hammer? Members of which political party harass and make explicit threats to innocent election officials, investigators, judges?) The GOP long ago defecated on the legacy of Lincoln. Repudiated truth and the rule of law, respect for institutions. (Things I hold sacred.) The virtuous should govern; the educated and informed should vote. Republicans do nothing but obstruct legislation and encourage the first president to ever refuse to accept an election loss and then lead an insurrection. How can one not revile Republicans?

In only 13 months we’ll “hold” a presidential election of unprecedented danger to American democracy. Too many Americans willingly blind and deafen themselves to history in order to vote for a criminal who wants his own autocracy. I can’t help but hear the thundering hooves of doom.

Does Hallmark make a card for that?

What Prison Sentence Does Trump Deserve?

May 11, 2024

As reported in today’s Washington Post, the DOJ recommends that the miscreant who used a hammer to attack Paul Pelosi, at the time of the assault the 82-year old husband to Nancy, member of Congress, should receive a 40 year prison sentence.

Hitting an older man with a hammer is indeed a heinous, violent act.

The 45th president violently stopped the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in some 240 years. He marshalled an insurrection that saw many hundreds if not thousands attack the Capitol, climbing walls, wreaking havoc and damaging an important if not sacred symbol of democracy. Many brave law enforcement officers were killed or injured. To cover it up — and with help from his loyal, misguided enablers — he committed multiple acts of the obstruction of justice, as well as set in motion a nefarious back-up plan of fake electors. Without the slightest shred of remorse.

He still hasn’t been punished for his malicious lies –to American voters — that the 2020 election would be and was infected by massive fraud. Which has been determined by the enormous efforts of truth-seekers and those guided by the Constitution to have been almost entirely free from dishonest taint. The cancerous, malicious blight of election fraud was caused by Trump, who refused to relinquish power after he lost.

How many years in prison should be demanded for Donald Trump?

The Disqualification of Trump

January 5, 2024

This is one of the two best essays I’ve read so far in favor of employing the “insurrectionist ban” of the 14th Amendment to prohibit Donald Trump from becoming president again. (The other was from George T. Conway III, co-founder of ‘The Lincoln Project’.) Both writers reject the specious argument that there may very well be violent repercussions from the destructively rambunctious horde of two-legged animals that form the Trumpian ‘base’.

They argue that the risks to the welfare of the republic outweigh the terrible costs of mindless harassment, threats and potential violence. They also argue that the heavily conservative justices who sit on the Supreme Court lean to the originalist view of the Constitution. That view stresses the primacy of the text of the document.

They both agree that the plain language of the Amendment leaves little room for a more expansionist, liberal interpretation, suggesting that the Court is most likely to uphold the ban on the former president’s assuming the powerful office he desperately covets. With the possible exception of the guy married to Ginni Thomas.

Methinks He Talketh Too Much

September 22, 2023

I believe that a fair number of you are like me, and can’t wait to see Donald J. Trump receive the hell-and-damnation business end of some karmic justice. The gods of consequence reaching down and slapping him for his lifetime of deceit, greed and arrogance towards the law.

Maybe like me, you thought the Orange Tornado would suffer some slings and arrows from the Mueller investigation, when DJT himself told others, “I’m fucked.” Or his first impeachment for gross abuse of power. Like a mobster he wanted to make a sordid deal: before Ukraine gets cash for military funding to fight, ironically, for a nation’s own law-abiding democracy, Kyiv must dig up dirt on the Bidens. Trump wanted slimy political advantage the Roy Cohn way. As we know, Donnie shows scant constraint and likes to talk, and his White House phone records, plus those officials whose duty was to listen in, laid bare the facts. He should have been convicted; he escaped.

He didn’t take his 2020 re-election loss well, which might be my greatest understatement. Convinced of the power of the repeated lie, he saddled up his horse to spread the word. A rigged, stolen election. His horse trampled truth and the public’s trust of once-revered institutions. He whipped his racehorse, named ‘Riggo,’ into a foaming frenzy that crossed the line at the Jan 6th insurrection. That impeachment didn’t work either.

Maybe he’d get caught and punished as additional detailed reporting came in of his unending stream of scandals, lawlessness, and clumsy incompetence with an emphasis on grift management. Trump set his presidency well apart as the worst in history. No president has ever been indicted for so many serious crimes, including insurrection, Espionage Act violations and many other felonies for which even a smattering of convictions would mean the remainder of his life in prison. This guy who took a Presidential Oath.

Justice has taken SO long, but Jennifer Rubin’s essay really makes my day, tells me the end is finally near.

What did Churchill say in 1942, “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

Republicans vs Amendment 14, Section 3

September 3, 2023

Donald J Trump is prohibited from becoming president in 2025. Full Stop.

Conservatives can’t pick and choose which parts of the Constitution they will follow, or adhere to, or obey. Part of the strength of the 235-year-old Constitution is its ability to evolve and change, by its mechanism of Amendments. Perhaps in the future our democracy’s guiding document can be altered via the Amendment process, but at the moment, as we gird our loins for the 2024 presidential election, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is the law of the land. Trump can’t win, can’t be installed as president.

In summa, Section 3 says:

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”

Yes, while the escape from proscription is provided by the “but Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability” part — such an event is well-nigh impossible under these politically partisan conditions — the salient parts say, very clearly, that Trump is prohibited from retaking our nation’s highest office. A plethora of court cases determined that the former president “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” No question about it.

Therefore, no amount of pitiful Republican pleading or posturing can change the fact — not an opinion — that Donald Trump can not be president again.

Twisting JFK’s Words

June 15, 2023

To twist around the updated patriotic words of JFK, instead of “Don’t ask what your country can do for you, ask what can you do for your country,” here in 2023 it’s an ideological shift from “How can we indict without becoming a banana republic?” to “How can we fail to indict without becoming a banana republic?”

In our American tradition, we require the more important and most important people in the government, such as men & women in the Armed Forces, and the highest levels of those managing the functions of government, to take an oath, promising to uphold the Constitution. For those who served or are serving, the words of the Oath are a personal contract with others in your military unit, those people you risked your life with. They all made a promise, one of the most important promises they might ever make, to put the Constitution over themselves, over their unit, their branch, party or even over their kind. The over-235-year-old document also contains much of the language and definitions of the requirements and the punishments that match them.

It hurts that so many veterans took part in the sedition at the Capitol.

The President of the United States is required to take an oath so important, so powerful it is unlike any other government oath to the Constitution. Donald Trump stabbed the Constitution in the heart, on Jan 6th, by blatantly ignoring or refusing to perform one of his crucial duties: to see that the laws are faithfully executed. Republicans either did nothing but watch it bleed, or else they pressed down on it to speed up the bleeding.

And as Ms Rubin says, “Certainly, MAGA Republicans remain devoted to their cult figure, with no regard for the rule of law.”

There’s no way around it, unless you attempt the Republican ‘circular logic’ approach — Big Don is the cult leader. He’s the leader of the ‘MAGA Cult‘. If I were as violently disposed as Republicans are — they are the ones who attacked the Capitol, who are so quick to pull the trigger or to strangle democracy — I’d say bring in the exterminators. Bring on the gas. Perhaps if we thought of it as eradicating a plague, or extinguishing parasites, it would be more attractive. A liberal such as myself would rather use debate, but conservatives are immune to the uncomfortable world of facts, logic and truth. We prefer to use truth and logic to resolve differences, and find a compromise to benefit as many as possible.

You understand the erosion of patience in pursuing compromise and resolution, in the absence of truth as an agreed-upon common language, when progress if not virtue itself is the goal.


Read more: Twisting JFK’s Words

Donald Trump’s Impeachment

January 11, 2021

Donald Trump committed impeachable offenses on Wednesday, January 6th, and for this he must be punished. It’s called for by the Constitution when the president commits “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Choices are:

  1. 25th Amendment, but that won’t work because Vice President Mike Pence is a coward.
  2. Censure, which is a lame slap on the wrist.
  3. Impeachment
  4. Do nothing.

Choices 1, 2 & 4 are unacceptable, leaving impeachment. Trump is only the 3rd president to have already suffered this permanent ignominy; he would be the first POTUS to be impeached twice, a screamingly large and indelible stain on his legacy, such as it is. He was stung by his first impeachment, and a second would deliver a more severe sting, a murder hornet sting well-deserved for his seditious actions that incited a violent mob to storm and desecrate the Capitol in hopes of overturning a free and fair election.

The impeachment process is like the two-part KA-CHUNK of a shotgun. The “KA” part is like an indictment: the lower chamber of Congress, the House of Representatives, accuses the president of terrible misdeeds, which may or may not be crimes. The “CHUNK” part is like a court trial: the upper chamber of Congress, the Senate, weighs evidence and decides if the president is guilty or not, as if Senators were both judge and jury. If found guilty, that constitutes conviction, and the president is right then and there removed from office, and is no longer POTUS. (The vice president then becomes president.) Trump should have been convicted and removed the first time, but the Senate was controlled by Republicans, who had been pistol-whipped into submission; the cowards, whimpering in fear, did not execute their Constitutional duty.

With a paltry nine days left in his administration, there is not time to perform the full operation of endorsing articles of impeachment in the House, then running a trial in the Senate. But this lack of time need not prevent him from being impeached. There is time for the House, newly inflamed by Trump’s egregious assault on democracy and the separation of powers, to draft and pass one or more articles of impeachment, which as explained above would be a stinging blow, a withering rebuke of this unfit, would-be tyrant.

Once the impeachment articles are passed, he would be the first president in history to be impeached twice. There would not be time to convict him in the Senate, but at least some punishment would have been inflicted. By the time the Senate gets around to holding a trial, perhaps in February or soon after, Trump will no longer be in office. However, a conviction would represent another, perhaps more important layer of punishment, since he would be prevented from holding office in the future. He’s addicted to power, and he harbors a terrible fantasy of being elected to the presidency in 2024, and we can’t let that happen.

He committed grievous acts against our democracy, as surely as did Benedict Arnold, recorded by historians as a traitor. Doing nothing is a terrible option, and Amendment 25 won’t get off the ground, leaving impeachment as the right path. To be twice-impeached labels him permanently as an unfit if not evil specimen of a president, and conviction, even if too late to remove him and prevent him from using his presidential power to do more harm, accomplishes the important goal of sealing him off from a future presidency. Good riddance, Donald.

Unicorns, Cupcakes and Puppies

August 20, 2019


Look at a map of China and see how big it is and where it is. Now remember that China has more people than any other nation. For decades they have been the world’s factory, making things and earning piles of money. They used to be a manufacturing powerhouse (using all those bodies for labor), but they were considered short on design capability and creativity, the norm being the more advanced countries would tell them what to build. The dragon nation has been catching up in creativity and science.

They have also been modernizing in terms of quality. Much of their fortunes were made by cutting corners and slashing costs, so as a result many of their products were extremely shoddy, laughably so on the world market’s stage. (Don’t get me started on instruction manuals in “English” written by Chinese.) Asian competition compelled China to increase quality, an inexorable economic force, and bottomless coffers of government cash have enabled the rapid advance of Chinese research and manufacturing, which are now world-class.

They have also been building up and modernizing their military, making advances in their navy, air force and army — who has the most soldiers in the world? — plus their space-based capabilities are stronger, involving satellites, communications and improved electronic warfare. They have become masters of internet management, disinformation and cultural control. Embedded in god-only-knows how much of the world’s telecomms  hardware and software is Chinese-made equipment used to listen in. They are capable if not menacing, and they play the long game. They could probably buy much of Asia, but taking land and command of the nearby seas — seas through which much of the world’s trade is transported — by force is another option. Communist Party leaders want China to be dominant in the future, dominant as a people, as opposed to most greedy leaders nowadays who hunger for dominance not as a people but by specific people, namely themselves.

From all that manufacturing wealth they are in many ways a kind of international bank, loaning cash outright to neighboring Asian countries or in Africa, thereby gaining advantage. Also, they will offer to build mega-infrastructure projects in foreign countries using Chinese companies and financing, but with many geopolitical strings attached. A strategic intangible is that China has a historical chip on its shoulder. The proud ‘Goliath’ China had been bested by the much smaller ‘David’ of Japan, left miserably ashamed in the dirt. China feels like it has been slighted by history and deserves more, more respect, more power, more everything.


Look at Europe, and consider that it’s about to be ripped apart by the United Kingdom’s self-inflicted amputation — a limb severed with a hacksaw — from the European Union of prosperous countries such as Germany, France and Holland. This team of European nations, also including Austria, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden and more than a dozen others, had not only built a very successful trade federation of sorts, but also a defensive arrangement. This coalition made it more difficult for an outsider to be aggressive, since the others on the team had promised to help fight back if one of their number were attacked.

The United Kingdom is about to be led by the lad Boris Johnson, who is as egotistical and incompetent as Donald Trump, and as the UK tears itself off from the EU, there will be considerable turmoil and chaos, crashing markets and currencies, and plunging the former Great Britain into a status far less great. All of Europe will be dragged down, will suffer. Hardship will inflame nationalist passions and stability will dissolve. As Europe convulses, predators will seize the opportunity, wolves plucking ailing sheep from the herd. Russia hungers for its Soviet days of power and influence — much like China hungers for its former glory — and Vladimir Putin is the smartest and greediest direwolf among that species, more deadly than anything found in Siberia. Putin wants more of Europe and the Arctic, but while it might not be able to buy it like China could, Russia also has the option to take what it wants by force and/or political maneuvering. (Where have the greatest chess players come from? Russia.)


Here in the United States we are anything but united, led by a racial arsonist madman whose best friend is an enchanted mirror that tells him he is greater and more wonderful than he really is. Trump is an empty black hole of narcissism and insecurity, craving attention and adoration constantly to be shoveled in, in spite of the fact that the hole can never be filled. Loathsome and disgusting in every way, devoid of human sentiments such as empathy or shame, using truth as a malleable tool and tweets as weapons, he has drugged millions of Americans into thinking he is a saint. These GOPedophiles somehow think he’s a saint, in spite of his incompetence, his hatred, racism, bigotry and misogyny, his ignorance, and the sneering behavior of a 7th grade schoolyard bully. He remains in power because he uses the White House as a privileged filling station for the wealthy, filling the tanks of the titanic armored black SUVs that are corporate America. In order to make more money, these corporations flash a credit card (their Trump card) and suddenly they can mine national parks, drill for oil or gas anywhere they damn please, dump corrosive chemical effluents into lakes and rivers, and kill any endangered species that gets in their way.

The health of the air, water and land — and the living creatures found there — are of no consequence, problems only for the little people. “We the people” are the little people who suffer from this assault on our environment. We are also under assault from among ourselves because we haven’t evolved our thinking enough to understand that there is only one race of people, and that is Earthlings; there exists no basis for a ranking system of human beings based on skin color, in spite of what the racist/white supremacist morons think; we are all the same sentient bags of meat.

China, if you will recall, has more of these sentient bags of meat than any other country, and meat bags need food and water, plus a little air so that it can marinate. The Chinese will grow in number, and like locusts will take over territory, regardless of existential constructs such as international borders. Like locusts they will consume scarce resources like water, food and rare earth elements. Their military will guard them and protect them, these insatiable creatures inhaling earthly cultures and life like the Borg on Star Trek consumed planets.

Europe and the Americas will erupt in civil and uncivil wars, suffering due to economic decline adding fear to countries tearing themselves apart internally by the cancerous forces of racism and nationalism, as if throwing themselves into the cannibal’s pot to be eaten. China and Russia, the superpowers of the future, will expand as the United States, and former Asian and European nations all fade into obscurity. Africa will suffer further, even while it becomes hotter and less habitable.

Short-term-focused greedy bastards shun the climate scientists, global warming burns the forests, throw more crap into the atmosphere and melts the ice that helped to keep the planet alive, and the remaining land and the people on it will cook until the fires are put out by the rising oceans. The wealthy will think they’re safe in the obscenely expensive fantasy bubbles they will construct, until math catches up with them.

I’ll be dead by then, thank god. But as for right now, the next twenty-five or so years for those unlucky enough to not be dead will be dreadful.


“Good night, Mrs Calabash.”

The Photo That Changed a Million Voters

August 12, 2019


What led to this repulsive, infamous photo? (#ElPasoPhotoOp) Publicly, President Trump claimed to have gone to El Paso to visit those who were wounded during yet another heavily armed, racial hatred-filled shooting spree, which again killed too many innocent people. It would have been an altruistic effort to help them heal, a kind and benevolent act. A human with empathy could share their pain and suffering, which ordinarily would make people feel better. But Trump does not possess or experience empathy, and is closer to a reptile than a human.

There Be Dragons

He wanted maximum exposure, viewing the whole affair as a photo op for as many cameras as possible. He was recorded on a patient’s phone mentioning crowd size as an important concern for him, which seems inappropriate for what should have been a sensitive and somber hospital visit. His own staffers decided to eschew a stampede of cameras in deference to the wounded and their families desirous of privacy; this of course made Trump angry, because most of all he wanted lots of camera coverage, the feelings of the wounded be damned.


Trump’s brain processes optics, images, how things look. His focus is on the surface, nothing more subtle than that, doesn’t think about consequences. He wanted to be photographed with wounded people, but of the 8 or 10 victims being treated at the hospital, they either refused to appear with him, or they were in no condition to do so. This infuriated Trump, who needed other humans to appear in the frame, more as leveraged props than sentient beings. So he decided on the baby, Paul Anchondo, orphaned as he parents tried to shield him from the hail of bullets. The baby had been released and sent home from the hospital with relatives, but Trump must have barked, “Bring me the baby!” (The baby couldn’t say ‘no’ but you might have imagined that a White House staffer would have said, “Sir, this is a bad idea.”) Having Melania hold the child instead of Donald gave her the chance to appear maternal — the president is famously germophobic, so holding an actual baby is not something we would have done — but of course all eyes would be on Donald the man, Donald the president, Donald the grinning idiot giving the totally-wrong-for-the-moment thumbs up.

He often complains about “not getting enough credit” for his actions, but in this case, he deserves all the credit for this horrible photo, this weaponizing of a baby for publicity. He gave himself another medal.


A Little Reading

July 25, 2019


The United States plunges into madness and chaos, imprisoned in a trumpocracy because Americans wouldn’t do a little reading. The Mueller Report was “too long” and we the people didn’t see that it was as plain as the Trump on your TV that the president had committed crimes. Actual documented crimes, and repeatedly broke the law. And should have been removed as the Framers intended, the impeachment process being the only legitimate way to remove a president from office. Nixon had stared down that barrel, and folded. Trump wouldn’t allow himself to fold, as that would have made him look weak, in Roy Cohn’s mind. On the shoulders of expendable loyalists he placed himself above the law, the reality TV celebrity reinvented as the reality president. At first that is, then one presidential term became another. One of King Trump’s first actions was to ban all newspapers and books, since reading makes the populace smarter. And dictators don’t like smart people, because they don’t believe what would-be dictators tell them.



Democrats hoped for a spinal injection from Robert Mueller, for whom tasteless theatrical promo was too much, not his forte and not needed. He had done his job, and written it all down. Where no one saw it. Because they would have had to do a little reading. Oh, and had some guts. Crap.

